ISSEE Launches Online Training Programmes

Submitted by Daniel Johnson on Thursday, 11th February 2021
Online Training Programmes

We are excited to announce that our popular, entry-level courses are now available through online learning.

Students wishing to join our Explosives Foundation Course (EFC) or our Explosives Storage Management Course (ESM) will soon be able to enrol online and complete all learning modules at their own pace through our secure learning management platform and still achieve an accredited qualification through SQA.

Explosives Foundation Course

Listening to customer feedback we are pleased that the Explosives Foundation Course is meeting the requirements of customers who are both new to the explosives industry as well as those seeking to maintain their knowledge from a management point of view. To enhance this, ISSEE can now offer the EFC in a number of formats:

Full-time learning at our modern training centre, The Copse, in Oxfordshire. 

  • Part-time learning at student’s own pace through our online course plus 2 days practical training at The Copse.  This practical element is a compulsory module for students wishing to qualify for the SQA Award, and must be completed within 6 months of completing the online training modules.
  • Theory only training, through our online learning platform, which will lead to an ISSEE Explosive Foundation Knowledge Certificate.
  • Practical only training.  This is a 2 day module held at The Copse, for students who have previously qualified in any ISSEE explosives training course or hold a valid IMAS qualification and who wish to update their skills and safety knowledge when handling live explosives.

Explosives Storage Management Course

Our ESM course can now be completed entirely online as well as attending our training centre.  The course comprises various modules which are studied and assessed at the students own pace.  ISSEE instructor support is available to support enhanced learning if required.  Successful completion of the online course is rewarded with the same SQA qualifications as for the full attendance training package.

Follow this link to our online learning registration page to apply for these courses as soon as they are launched.


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ISSEE is a world-class provider of security and explosives consultancy and training to national and international defence, police, INGOs and commercial organisations.

Find out more about us, catch up on the ISSEE blog or follow @ISSEE on Twitter.