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Appointment of new Explosives Instructor for ISSEE
Our colleague cycles for Help for Heroes
ISSEE exhibits at Milipol Qatar 2014
ISSEE exhibits at EmSEC 2014
BJ Clarke, Instructor at ISSEE in Pathfinder magazine
Counter Terror Training with ISSEE
Explosives, EOD and Search Training with ISSEE
Deeper counter-terror training with ISSEE
ISSEE will be exhibiting at the Security & Policing event in March, stand G89
ISSEE to exhibit at Security & Policing
ISSEE is Moving
ISSEE will be exhibiting at Counter Terror Expo 2015
ISSEE is settling in at Talbot Hall
Explosives Engineers article in MEM issue 418
ISSEE releases date of next International Ammunition Technician course
Terrorism is designed to strike fear into the hearts and minds of the population.
ISSEE to speak and exhibit at the Transec show this December
ISSEE to exhibit at Transec in December ’15
ISSEE’s CEO to speak at Transec Expo 2015
ISSEE partners up with Amba Defence to deliver product focused training
Register now to visit us at the Transport Security Expo 2015
ISSEE to Exhibit at Security and Counter Terror Expo 2016
Preparations in Full Swing for The Second IEXPE Early Careers Symposium at ISSEE
ISSEE hosts the Early Careers Focus Group’s Early Careers Symposium
ISSEE Announces Dates of New Courses
Consultancy Services to Public Security
Consultancy to Public Services
ISSEE’s Latest Course Dates – Including Explosive Foundation, Firing Officer and EOD 2
Duty of Care Requirements in the Explosives Industry
ISSEE helps Iraqi military face oncoming IED challenge in Mosul
Public Security and Safety Training
KASOTC facilities in Jordan recognised by ISSEE
Mk7 Wheelbarrow Refurbishment
Is your place of work prepared for a terrorist attack?
Mitigating the Risk of Terror Attacks at Sports Stadias
ISSEE Assist Humanitarian Demining INGOs in Delivering IED Training
Qualified Training should be an essential component of Munitions Management Safety
International Ammunition Technician Course
ISSEE’s Latest Course Dates Released
Meet ISSEE at MSPO 2017
Large-scale Munitions, EOD Trials and Training
Meet ISSEE at Security and Policing 2018 – Stand B12
ISSEE Sign Armed Forces Covenant
International Security Expo 2018
Course Dates for Summer/Autumn 2018 Released
SQA Accredit ISSEE’s Training To National Occupational Standards
Explosive Detection Dogs: Can they help increase security at your next event?
ISSEE and T&L Canine Partner to Deliver Explosives Detection Dog Continuation Training
The Qatar Embassy commends ISSEE’s new International Ammunition Technician course
Meet ISSEE at Security and Policing 2019 – Stand B43
Course Dates for Spring/Summer 2019 Released
ISSEE releases full range of courses accredited by SQA
The Institute of Explosives Engineers Endorses ISSEE Training Courses
ISSEE Supports the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact
ISSEE is Awarded Cyber Essentials Certification
Course Dates for Autumn 2019 Released
ISSEE Instructors Gain Level 3 Qualification in Education and Training
“BJ” Clarke, IEDD instructor, takes on a new role
New Logistic Management Courses
Find ISSEE at the International Security Expo 2019
ISSEE is Relocating
ISSEE Celebrates its 20th Anniversary
Logistic Management courses are approved by the Institute of Leadership and Management
Course Dates for Winter/Spring 2020 Released
ISSEE Turns 20 Years Old
Meet ISSEE at Security and Policing 2020 – Stand C2
Local MP Victoria Prentis welcomes ISSEE to Bloxham
Work Experience with the ISSEE team
Get to know our team: Glyn Hannah
ISSEE featured on Forces TV training African troops in safe bomb disposal
Update from our CEO
ISSEE Wins Training Provider of the Year
ISSEE Celebrates Eid al-Fitr
Graduates from our recent International Ammunition Technican Course
ISSEE Provides ANAMA EOD Training
Course Dates for Summer 2022 Released
ISSEE Delivers Training for the Royal Navy of Oman
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy Update
Bruneian Ammunition Technician Graduation
Course Dates for Winter 2022 Released
Export Support Team (EST) Trade Show 12th October 2022
Office Closure For Christmas
Inaugural International Ammunition Technician Course
International EOD Operator Course - Morocco
UK Home Office Security & Policing 2024
Counter Terrorism, Homeland Security & Explosives Consultants
Training Category
EOD Training
Explosives Safety Management
Humanitarian Relief Training
Counter Terrorism Training
Military Level Training
IED Training
Search Training
Logistic Management
Management Skills Training
Training Course
Explosives Foundation Course
Explosive Ordnance Disposal - Level 1
Explosive Ordnance Disposal - Level 2
Explosives Storage Management
Explosive Ordnance Disposal - Level 3
Firing Officers Course
Explosives Manufacturing (Worker) Level 2
Counter Terrorism Awareness Training
Humanitarian IEDD Course
High Risk Search
International Ammunition Technician
Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (Certificate)
Post Blast Scene Management
Recognition of Firearms and Explosives
IEDD Refresher
Counter Terrorist (CT) Search (Certificate)
Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (Diploma)
Director Level Joint Logistic Planning Course
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Covid-19 Safe Working Policy
National Occupational Standards
Glossary of Terms
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Institute of Explosives Engineers (IExpE)
Useful Reference Links
Terry Thompson
BAE Systems
Lockheed Martin
Met Police
Red Cross
United Nations
Transport for London
1.13 Evaluate and document complex research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles
1.12 Contribute to carrying out investigations and analysing the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles
1.11 Carry out investigations and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles
1.10 Carry out the research strategy and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles
1.14 Assess and document research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles
1.15 Develop a dissemination plan for explosive substances and/or articles
1.9 Plan the research into explosive substances and/or articles
1.16 Carry out small scale processing for explosive substances and/or articles
1.17 Design the scale up process for explosive substances and/or articles
1.22 Evaluate explosive articles design options
1.23 Gather information to assist in generating explosive article design options
1.24 Build prototype(s) of selected design(s) for complex explosive article
1.25 Build prototype(s) of selected explosive article design
1.21 Generate explosive articles design options
1.20 Identify and analyse the factors applicable to the explosive article design specification
1.19 Create the specification for the design of an explosive article
1.18 Create the specification for the design of complex explosive articles
1.8 Submit proposals for research work for explosive substances and/or articles
1.7 Prepare the research programme for explosive substances and/or articles
1.1 Create the complex specification for explosive substances and/or articles
1.2 Create the specification for an explosive substance or article
1.3 Assimilate and evaluate the information on explosive substances and/or articles
1.4 Gather and interpret the information on explosive substances and/or articles
1.5 Identify and gather the information on explosive substances and/or articles
1.6 Prepare the research strategy for explosive substances and/or articles
10.14 Prepare and position explosive effect
10.13 Design the explosive display
10.12 Design the complex explosive display
10.11 Supervise the blasting operation
10.10 Produce profiles of rock faces and landforms
10.9 Design and arrange for the authorization of the blast specification
10.8 Determine the blast requirements
10.7 Deal with misfires
10.6 Blast to specification
10.5 Charge blast holes to specification
10.4 Receive and handle explosive materials onsite
10.3 Receive, Store and Issue explosive materials
10.15 Contribute to the preparation and positioning of explosive effects
10.16 Initiate the explosive effect
11.11 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex chemical breakdown procedures
11.10 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex mechanical breakdown procedures
11.9 Contribute to pre-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles
11.8 Carry out pre-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles
11.7 Manage tasks for the disposal of explosive substances and/or articles
11.6 Plan the disposal of explosive substances and/or articles (non-complex)
11.5 Plan the disposal of explosive substances and/or articles (complex)
11.4 Design a new disposal procedure for explosive substances and/or articles
11.3 Adapt an existing explosive substances and/or articles disposal procedure
11.2 Determine the existence of a suitable disposal procedure for explosive substances and/or articles
11.1 Assess the explosive substances and/or articles for disposal
10.17 Modify explosive effects delivery systems
10.2.1 Contribute to health and safety in the blasting workplace
10.1.3 Organize own work and maintain standards
10.1.2 Develop and maintain effective working relationships
8.13 Drive the vehicle in restricted spaces
8.12 Drive the vehicle on public roads
8.11 Operate the vehicle systems
8.10 Maintain awareness of driving conditions
8.9 Maintain the safety and the security of the load, self and property
8.8 Complete pre-driving preparations
8.7 Supervise the unloading of explosive substances and articles from the vehicle by others
8.6 Unload explosive substances and articles from the vehicle
8.5 Supervise the loading of the vehicle with explosive substances and articles by others
8.4 Load the vehicles with explosive substances and articles
8.2 Obtain information on the explosive substances and articles load
8.14B Couple and uncouple the train
8.15 Escort the explosive substances and articles load
8.1B Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles
10.1.1 Contribute to efficiency in the workplace
9.5 Conduct decommissioning tasks on explosives facility
9.4 Develop and implement the explosives facility decommissioning plan
9.3 Conduct safety checks on explosives facilities
9.2 Ensure explosives facilities are fit for purpose
9.1 Define explosives facilities requirement
8.3D Obtain information on the destination and schedule of the explosive load by air
8.3C Obtain information on the destination and schedule of the explosive load by sea
8.3B Obtain information on the destination and schedule of the explosive load by rail
8.1D Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles
8.1C Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles
7.18 Lift, transfer and position explosive substance and/or article loads
11.12 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex biological breakdown procedures
13.8 Conduct an assessment of the risks in the workplace
13.3 Manage your own resources and professional development
13.2 Manage your own resources
13.1 Work effectively in a team involved in activities for explosive substances and/or articles
12.22 Develop your competence in working with munitions or specified targets
12.21 Evacuate casualties
12.20 Work safely
12.19 Assist with the preparation, maintenance and use of search or munition clearance equipment
12.18 Use and maintain search or munition clearance equipment
12.17 Assist with the movement and transportation of munitions
12.16 Assist in locating the position of the munition
12.15 Complete munitions or specified targets reports
13.4 Manage continuous improvement in activities for explosive substances and articles
13.5 Allocate and check work in your team
13.6 Provide leadership for your team
13.9 Provide technical or safety advice and/or guidance to others on explosives
13.10 Make presentations on matters relating to explosives
13.11 Hand over explosive substances and/or articles
13.12 Pack or re-pack explosive substances and/or articles
13.13 Unpack explosive substances and/or articles
13.14 Manage equipment in an explosives environment
13.15 Prepare and care for equipment in an explosives environment
13.16 Manage explosives safety
13.17 Certify as Free From Explosives (FFE)
13.18 Supervise explosives safety
13.7 Provide leadership in your area of responsibility
12.14 Enable areas cleared of munitions or specified targets to be remediated
12.13 Contribute to the movement or transportation of munitions
12.12 Move and transport munitions
11.13A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex burning procedures
11.12A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex biological breakdown procedures
11.11A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex chemical breakdown procedures
11.10A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex mechanical breakdown procedures
11.20 Contribute to post-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles
11.19 Carry out post-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles
11.18 Contribute to the disposal task for explosive substances and/or articles
11.17 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by function as intended procedures
11.16 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex detonation procedures
11.15 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex deflagration procedures
11.14 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex incineration procedures
11.14A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex incineration procedures
11.15A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex deflagration procedures
11.16A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex detonation procedures
12.11 Contribute to removing the threat of munitions
12.10 Remove the threat of munitions
12.9 Contribute to confirming the presence of munitions
12.8 Confirm the presence of munition(s)
12.7 Contribute to locating the disposition of potential munitions
12.6 Identify and record the location and disposition of potential munitions within boundaries
12.5 Define the boundaries of the area to be searched
12.4 Provide advice on munition clearance and search-related matters
12.3 Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of munition clearance and search operations and programmes
12.2 Manage munition clearance operations and programmes
12.1 Plan munition clearance operations and programmes
11.13 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex burning procedures
4.7 Supervise the preparation of explosives processing operation
3.13 Contribute to pre-trial or pre-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles
3.12 Carry out pre-trial or pre-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles
3.11 Manage the test of explosive substances and/or articles
3.10 Manage the trial of explosive substances and/or articles
3.9 Plan the test of explosive substances and/or articles
3.8 Plan the trial of explosive substances and/or articles
3.7 Validate trial or test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles
3.6 Adapt an existing test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles
3.5 Adapt an existing trial procedure for explosive substances and/or articles
3.4 Design a new test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles
3.14 Carry out trials of explosive substances and/or articles
3.15 Carry out tests of explosive substances and/or articles
3.16 Contribute to conducting a trial or test of explosive substances and/or articles
4.6 Prepare explosives process materials
4.5 Move explosive substances and articles within the explosive process
4.4 Prepare the explosives process area and equipment
4.3 Resolve explosives operational problems
4.2 Contribute to the validation and optimization of new or modified explosives processes and equipment
4.1 Develop and update explosives standard operating procedure/s
3.20 Contribute to post-trial or post-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles
3.19 Carry out post-trial or post-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles
3.18 Evaluate the results of tests of explosive substances and/or articles
3.17 Evaluate the results of trials of explosive substances and/or articles
3.3 Design a new trial procedure for explosive substances and/or articles
2.9 Implement risk control measures for explosive substances and/or articles safety
2.8A Assess the suitability of explosives facilities
2.12 Analyse and identify aggregated hazards and risks for explosives
2.11 Implement the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives
2.10 Develop the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives
2.8 Review an organisation’s safety management system for explosives
2.7 Review safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles
2.6 Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles
2.5 Make recommendations on the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles
2.4 Review the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles
2.3 Make recommendations for the classification of explosive substances and/or articles
2.2 Determine the classification of explosive substances and/or articles
2.13 Assess the suitability of explosives facilities
2.14 Determine and implement aggregated risk control measures for explosives
2.15 Implement risk control measures for explosive substances and articles safety
2.4 Review safety control measures for specific explosives substance and / or articles
3.2.12 Contribute to the investigation of explosives safety incidents
3.2 Determine the existence of a suitable trial or test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles
3.1 Establish the performance criteria for explosive substances and/or articles
2.22 Prepare and submit an explosives licence application
2.21 Assess explosives licence applications
2.20 Contribute to the investigation of explosives safety incidents
2.19 Investigate explosives-related safety incidents
2.18 Develop emergency response systems and procedures for explosives safety
2.16 Develop and implement assurance systems for explosives safety
2.1 Formulate national policy for explosives substances and articles
4.8 Monitor and control explosives processing
7.17 Operate specialised plant and machinery to performance requirements for explosive substances and/or articles
7.3 Put explosive substances and/or articles into storage
7.2 Supervise the placing of explosive substances and/or articles into storage
7.1 Move explosive substances and/or articles manually
7.5 Supervise the maintenance of storage conditions for explosive
substances and/or articles
6.9 Ensure compliance with contract terms for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles
6.8 Manage the contract for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles
6.7 Place orders to the supply of explosive substances and/or articles
6.6 Negotiate and award contracts for explosive substances and/or articles
6.5 Provide explosives-related technical input to assist in identifying potential suppliers and/or articles
6.4 Identify potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles
7.4 Supervise the receiving of explosive substances and/or articles into storage
7.6 Maintain the quality of explosive substances and/or articles in storage
7.16 Maintain stock control systems for explosive substances and/or articles
7.15 Carry out stock checks of explosive substances and/or articles
7.14 Audit stock levels and stock inventories of explosive substances and/or articles
7.13 Manage stock levels and stock inventories of explosive substances and/or articles
7.12 Manage the despatch of explosive substances and/or articles
7.11 Manage the storage of explosive substances and/or articles
7.10 Manage the receipt of explosive substances and/or articles
7.9 Supervise the selection, preparation and despatch of explosive substances and/or articles
7.8 Despatch explosive substances and/or articles
7.7 Select and prepare explosive substances and/or articles for despatch
6.3 Contribute to the identification of the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles
6.2 Define the procurement strategy for explosive substances and/or articles
5.5 Implement the adjustment of explosive substances and/or articles
5.4 Implement the inspection of explosive substances and/or articles
5.3 Manage the maintenance plan for explosive substances and/or articles
5.2 Manage the maintenance programme for explosive substances and/or articles
5.1 Plan the maintenance programme for explosive substances and/or articles
4.14 Contribute to explosives standard operating procedures
4.13 Separate recoverable materials and waste produced by the explosives process
4.12 Supervise the shutdown of explosives processing
4.11 Shut the down explosives process
4.10 Solve explosives process problems
4.9 Supervise explosives processing
5.6 Implement the complex removal of explosive substances and/or articles
5.7 Implement the routine removal of explosive substances and/or articles
6.1 Identify the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles
5.14 Manage configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles
5.13 Plan configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles
5.12 Implement the routine repair of explosive substances and/or articles
5.11 Implement the complex repair of explosive substances and/or articles
5.10 Assess the feasibility of repair of an explosive substance or article
5.9 Implement the routine assembly of explosive substances and/or articles
5.8 Implement the complex assembly of explosive substances and/or articles
5.16 Audit the effectiveness of configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles
5.15 Implement configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles
8.3A Plan the route and timings for the delivery and collection of explosive substances and articles by road
8.1A Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles
8.14A Couple and uncouple the vehicle
ISSEE has trained more than 5500 students
Training hours logged in 2020-21
Training students from countries
Handicap International Federation Testimonial
MACC International Testimonial
Institute of Explosives Engineers Testimonial
Redcliffe International Shipping Testimonial
Quality Logo
Cyber Essentials
Sales and Marketing Coordinator
EOD Tool Kit
Course Calendar
Course Calendar Dates