2.16 Develop and implement assurance systems for explosives safety

Key Role
Safety Management

This standard covers the competences you need to develop and implement assurance systems for explosives safety in accordance with approved procedures and practices.

You will be required to demonstrate that you can draw up a documented assurance plan which specifies objectives, method, allocated resources and addresses the identified priorities in accordance with approved procedures
and practices.

This activity is likely to be undertaken by someone whose work role involves Weapons, Ordnance, Munitions or Explosives work activities. This includes individuals working as explosives safety managers, advisers and regulators.

Performance Criteria

P1 work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines
P2 draw up a documented assurance plan which specifies objectives, method, allocated resources and addresses the identified priorities
P3 set appropriate key performance indicators
P4 document your rationale for your assurance plan
P5 obtain approval and commitment to your proposed or amended assurance plan
P6 implement the assurance plan within the specified timescale
P7 respond to developing events and priorities in accordance with procedures
P8 resolve any inconsistencies in the assurance plan
P9 review periodically the extent to which the assurance plan delivers requirements
P10 use feedback to recommend improvements to the safety management system
P11 confirm that the systems in place meet regulatory requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

K1 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work
K2 the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE)
K3 the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles
K4 the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event
K5 the purpose of the safety management system for explosives, and how it interfaces with the safety management system as a whole
K6 the relationship of the safety management system for explosives with those of others
K7 what should be included in the explosives assurance plan
K8 your organization’s explosives-related business objectives and activities
K9 your organization’s explosives-related structure and systems
K10 the risk control priorities
K11 your available resources and any constraints attached to them
K12 the competence of the personnel involved
K13 the stakeholders and the nature of their interest
K14 planning and analysis techniques
K15 the different features of monitoring, audit and review, and how they interface
K16 the requirements of the assurance process you are carrying out
K17 the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale in accordance with your organization’s procedures

Scope and Range

1. Approval and commitment: where there is commitment; where resistance to
change is encountered
2. Hazards and risks caused: by the complexity of the activity; to the explosive; from the explosive
3. Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources; from other organizations