ISSEE will be exhibiting at the Security & Policing event in March, stand G89

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 28th January 2015


Since its inception over 30 years ago, Security & Policing has provided a platform for professionals from the UK and across the world to engage with the very highest level of security expertise. The event continuously develops in size and scope and exists to provide the level of industry engagement needed to enable UK Government to procure and deliver its national security priorities.

The event is aimed at police, law enforcement and security professionals who are tasked with security, civil protection and National Resilience. Security & Policing showcases world leading products and services, taking advantage of the unique opportunity to bring together people with operational needs with companies that have the relevant solutions, all within a secure environment.

The event enables exhibitors to display products which would be too sensitive to show in a more open environment.

Visitors to Security & Policing must be employees or agents of the police service throughout the UK and overseas, government, security and law enforcement organisations, Home Office, prison service, fire service, military, customs and immigration services or key providers of Critical National Infrastructure and their security managers for the UK.

Due to the secure nature of the event, trade visitors, consultants/agents and companies who supply equipment to CNI providers are not eligible to attend.

Agents from overseas may apply, but can only attend with prior Home Office approval.​​​​​​​

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ISSEE is a world-class provider of security and explosives consultancy and training to national and international defence, police, INGOs and commercial organisations.

Find out more about us, catch up on the ISSEE blog or follow @ISSEE on Twitter.